Peer-reviewed Publications:

Udry, A., Ostwald, A. M., Day, J. M. D., Hallis, L. J. (2025), Fundamental constraints and questions from the study of Martian 

meteorites and the need for returned samples. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 122 (2).

Ostwald, A. M., Udry, A., Day, J. M. D., Gross, J. (2024), Melt inclusion heterogeneities in the nakhlite and chassignite martian 

meteorite suite and evidence for complicated, multi-generational magmas.  Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 59 (6).

Ostwald, A. M., Udry, A., Gross, J., Day, J. M. D., Griffin, S. (2024), Complex zoning in the nakhlite and chassignite martian 

meteorites reveals multi-stage petrogenesis and undercooling during crystallization. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 380 (4799).

O’Neal, E. W., Ostwald, A. M., Udry, A., Gross, J., Righter, M., Lapen, T. J., Darling, J., Howarth, G. H., Johnsen, R., McQuaig, D. R. 

(2024), Source and parental melts of poikilitic shergottites: Implications for martian magmatism. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 373 (7).

Beyssac, O., Forni, O., Cousin, A., Udry, A., Kah, L. C., Mandon, L., Clav., E., Liu, Y., Poulet, F., Quantin Nataf, C., Gasnault, O., 

Johnson, J., Benzerara, K., Beck, P. Dehouck, E., Mangold, N., Alvarez Llamas, C., Anderson, R., Arana, G., Barnes, R., Bernard, S., Bosak, T., Brown, A.J., Castro, K., Chide, B., Clegg, S., Cloutis, E., Fouchet, T., Gabriel, T., Gupta, S., Lacombe, G., Lasue, J., Le Mouelic, S., Lopez-Reyes, G., Madariaga, J.M., McCubbin, F.M., McLennan, S., Manrique, J.A., Meslin, P.Y., Montmessin, F., N..ez, J., Ollila, A.M., Ostwald, A., Pilleri, P., Pinet, P., Royer, C., Sharma, S.K., Schr.der, S., Simon, J.I., Toplis, M.J., Veneranda, M., Willis, P.A., Maurice, S., Wiens, R.C., The SuperCam Team (2023), Petrological traverse of the olivine cumulate S..tah formation at Jezero crater, Mars: A perspective from SuperCam onboard Perseverance. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 128: e2022JE007638.

Ramsey S. R., Ostwald A. M., Udry A., O’Neal E., Day J. M. D., Wilbur Z., Barnes J. J., Griffin S. (2023), Northwest Africa 13669, a 

Reequilibrated Nakhlite from a Previously Unsampled Portion of the Nakhlite Igneous Complex. Meteoritics & Planetary Science: 59.

Ralston, S. J., Peretyazhko, T. S., Sutter, B., Ming, D. W., Morris, R. V., Garcia, A., Ostwald, A. (2022), Phyllosilicate formation on early 

Mars via open-system acid alteration of basaltic glass. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 603: 117987.

Udry, A., Ostwald, A. M., Sautter, V., Cousin, A., Beyssac, O., Forni, O., Dromart, G., Benserara, K., Nachon, M., Horgan, B., Mandon, 

L., Clavé, E., Dehouck, E., Gibbons, E., Alwmark, S., Ravanis, E., Wiens, R. C., Legett, C., Anderson, R., Pilleri, P., Mangold, N., Schmidt, M., Liu, Y., Nuñez, J. I., Castro, K., Madariaga, J. M., Kizovski, T., Beck, P., Bernard, S., Bosak, T., Brown, A., Clegg, S., Cloutis, E., Cohen, B., Connell, S., Crumpler, L., Debaille, V., Flannery, D., Fouchet, T., Gabriel, T. S. J., Gasnault, O., Herd, C. D. K., Johnson, J., Manrique, J. A., Maurice, S., McCubbin, F. M., McLennan, Ollila, A., Pinet, P., Quantin-Nataf, C., Royer, C., Sharma, S., Simon, J. I., Steele, A., Tosca, N., Treiman, A., and the SuperCam team (2022), A Mars 2020 Perseverance SuperCam perspective on the igneous nature of the Máaz formation at Jezero crater and link with Séítah, Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 127: e2022JE007440.

Ostwald, A.M., Udry, A., Payré, V., Gazel, E., Wu, P. (2022), The role of assimilation and fractional crystallization in the evolution of the Mars crust. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 585: 117514.

Wu, P., Gazel, E., Udry, A., Setera, J.B. and Ostwald, A.M. (2021), Melt inclusions in chassignite NWA 2737: A link between processes recorded in Martian meteorites and rocks at Gale crater. Meteorit Planet Sci, 56: 1328-1349.

Published Reports

Hurtado, J.M, Young, K.E., Ostwald, A.M., Ward, F.S., Henderson, M.J.B., Morse, Z.R. (2021), Lunar Surface Science Workshop (LSSW) Session VIII: Structuring Real-Time Science Support of Artemis Crewed Operations.